Summer Music




JUNE 9 - 13

Martin Luther Said it Best

 “Next to the Word of God, music deserves the highest praise.  The gift of language combined with the gift of song was given to man that he should proclaim the Word of God through music.”

Our Director of Music & Organist

Susan Wilson grew up in Newberry, SC and received her bachelor’s degree in Church Music, Music Theory, and Organ at Newberry College. She attended Scarritt Graduate School and received a master’s degree in Church Music with an emphasis in Organ. She studied with Dr. Janette Fishell and Dr. Wilma Jensen. Hal Hopson was her advisor and mentor. Susan has served churches in full time music ministry for over 35 years in North Carolina, South Carolina, Kentucky, Virginia, Georgia, and Arizona. She began serving at St. Stephen’s in August of 2022 as the church’s first full time Director of Music/Organist. 

Explore the opportunities within our Music Ministry by contacting SusanEmail


 Organs  *  Carillons  *  Musicians

A special part of St. Stephen's music ministry is the storied history of our Organs and Carillons.  Read more about them and our History of Musicians in the DOWNLOAD Section below:


The Adult Choir is a volunteer choir for adults and high school youth, with varying skill levels of singing. The members love to sing, they want to develop their musical skills, and they desire to use their gifts of song to the worship of God. The choir sings for the 8:30 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. worship services. Rehearsals will normally take place on Wednesday evenings (except during the summer months) beginning at 7:00 p.m. and on Sunday mornings at 10:30 a.m. In addition to Sunday worship, the choir presents an annual service of Advent/Christmas music. 

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Children's Choir

For our children ages 2-5th grade we offer a comprehensive, graded choir ministry. Choirs offer children an opportunity to sing, play ORFF instruments, learn music theory, create liturgical art, and strengthen their faith journey. Children come weekly on Wednesday evenings as part of Wednesday Night Live. The Cherub Choir, ages 2-5 years old, rehearses from 5:25 p.m. – 5:55 p.m. The Treble Choir, ages 1st grade-5th grade, rehearses from 5:25 p.m. – 6:10 p.m. Rehearsals take place in the children’s choir room. Children participate in worship many times in the church year. 

Youth Choir

The youth Choir is for youth in grades 6-12. The choir prepares music for the annual Youth Worship Service and ​for services throughout the year. The rehearsal time will be determined in the fall. 

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The Handbell Choir is an ensemble that rings four and ½ octaves of handbells. No experience is necessary to ring in this group. This ensemble rings several times a year at the 8:30 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. worship services. Opportunities for small ensemble ringing and solo ringing are available as well. Rehearsals take place on Monday evenings beginning at 6:30 p.m.



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Our Children’s Choir Chime Ensemble is for children in 1st -5th grade. Rehearsals are on Wednesday evenings as part of Wednesday Night Live from 6:10 p.m. – 6:40 p.m. in the choir room. Children learn the proper care and technique of ringing choir chimes in addition to learning music theory. They ring periodically in worship.   

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Choral Scholars  

St. Stephen’s provides opportunities to local college students and community musicians by offering four choral scholar positions. Scholars are chosen through an audition process and once selected, sing with the choir for rehearsals and worship. Scholars sing solos, lead sectionals, and provide leadership in small ensembles. 


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Soloists and Cantors

Soloists and cantors enhance our weekly worship services. Our members and others in the community provide solos or sing weekly as the cantor. Solos are chosen in consultation with the Director of Music.


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If you play an instrument there are many opportunities to provide music in worship. Players are needed to provide hymn descants, accompany anthems, play preludes and offertories, and accompany soloists.

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Liturgical Dance Ensemble Wings of Worship

Liturgical Dance Ensemble Wings of Worship

For children in 1st-6th grade, this ensemble meets on Wednesday evenings as part of Wednesday Night Live. They rehearse from 6:45 p.m. until approximately 7:30 p.m. They participate in worship several times a year. 

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"HYMN Sings"

"Hymn #150 Please!"

The word hymn derives from Greek (hymnos), which means "a song of praise".  A writer of hymns is known as a hymnist.  The singing or composition of hymns is called hymnody. Collections of hymns are known as hymnals or hymn books. Hymns may or may not include instrumental accompaniment.  Remember the days when Lutheran's worshipped using the hymnals (usually found in the pew rack)?  Well technology has changed a few things, but not the desire to gather, select favorite hymns and sing.  "Hymn Sings" are another popular musical event at St. Stephen's.

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Ladies Who Lunch and R.O.M.E.O.

Opportunities to Support Our Music Ministry

These groups, open to ladies and gentlemen, meet monthly for lunch at a local restaurant. Participants get an opportunity to hear about what’s happening in music ministry, along with learning about ways to support the growing music program at St. Stephen’s. All are welcome.  

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May Music Midday

Fabulous Music supporting community outreach

May Music Midday

This series of midday concerts was introduced in May of 2023. A catered lunch is offered at 11:45 p.m. Following lunch, at 12:30 p.m., a concert is offered in the church sanctuary featuring a diverse program of entertaining music provided by community and regional musicians. Concerts are free however donations are accepted to support the music fund. Concerts take place on Tuesdays in May.  



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Performance ~ Concert ~ Theater
Upcoming Musical Events will bring a variety of talent enhancing the Fine Arts!


St. Stephen's Musicians are indeed "People of Christ, Making a Difference".   Sharing these events with our congregation and members of the Lexington Community bring a new dimension to Christianity, Fellowship, Worship and Outreach!  

Take a look at the past and bring your friends to the future. 

Music, Art, Faith Camps

Music Education for Children

Camp is offered in the summer for children to experience music making, art, and faith development. The camp is led by the Director of Music, along with community musicians and artists. 



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JUNE 14, 2024

What a Fabulous and Exciting week long event for our newest musicians - and staff!

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TUESDAY's in MAY ~ 2024
Midday MUSIC Events


Our annual Midday Music Series started Tuesday, May 7, 2024.  These concerts feature a fabulous variety of the best musicians in the midlands of South Carolina.  They are provided FREE by St. Stephens and our Music Department as a service to the community.  Bring a friend, enjoy lunch, then a 30 - 45 minute musical extravaganza (just check out these artists)!


The University of South Carolina  J a z z  T r i o
Matt White, Bert Ligon, Craig Butterfield

MAY 14
T h r e e  B a r i t o n e s
Hal McIntosh, Jacob Will, Marc Rattray
Sharon Rattray, Accompanist

MAY 21
T h e R o s e W i n d D u o
Scott Herring , Percussionist
Clifford Leaman, Saxophone

MAY 28
T h e G r e a t A m e r i c a n L o v e S t o r y
Tegan Miller, Soprano
Assaf Gleizner, Accompanist

In performance at St. Stephen's on March 2nd

The National Lutheran Choir is rooted in its mission to celebrate, invigorate, and expand sacred choral music, bringing inspiration and meaning to people of diverse faiths and backgrounds. Founded in 1986, the group is under the direction of Jennaya Robison, the Artistic Director. She is a highly accomplished conductor, educator, and vocalist. She holds degrees in conducting, voice, and music education. The Choir, now in its 38th year, consists of some 65 volunteer singers of various backgrounds and faith traditions.

MARCH 2, 2024   @   3PM


St. Stephen's Musicians in Performance

with the Lexington County Choral Society Christmas 2023

St. Stephen's Musicians performed with the Lexington County Choral Society in their annual Christmas Concerts December 1-2, 2023.  The event was held at Saxe Gotha Presbyterian Church in Lexington.  Our Handbell Choir was a featured performer and accompanied the Choral Society during the evening program.

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It was an evening to remember - Our First Dinner Theater.  Held October 12, 2023, a sold-out house enjoyed 8 exceptional soloists and accompanists, joined by the St. Stephen's choir for the Music of Broadway.  Chef Andy Marchant and staff (Cinnamon Hill Kitchens) provided an exquisite full course meal served during the program.


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