SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENTS During the Coronavirus Crisis:
1. Join us on YouTube for worship! Click the LATEST WORSHIP VIDEOS button above.
2. The office is still open from 8 AM-12 PM (Monday-Friday). We are here to help however we can.
3. Remember that you can go to www.sslc.org to get the latest announcements, worship bulletins, find the link to our YouTube Channel, give your offering on-line, and learn about our virtual communion.
4. If you prefer, you can still mail in your offering to 119 N Church St. Lexington, SC 29072 or if you are interested in setting up automatic draft, please contact Tonya (tonya@sslc.org) and she will help you. You can also use the Givelify app!
5. Please know that the pastors are also still available! You can reach them by calling the church (359-6562), calling the Crisis Care Line after hours (808-6471), or emailing them ... pat@sslc.org; jasonantley@earthlink.net)
6. If you need any sort of assistance with food, getting groceries, medical appointments…anything at all…please reach out. We have folks who are willing to help in any way they can! Please take time to call folks that may not have a strong network and may be in need. Also, if you know of anyone that needs to be added to our email list, please let me know! Be sure to share our info on Facebook and YouTube and encourage people to join us for worship!
7. If you want to purchase a lily or make a donation to debt retirement in honor or memory of someone and didn’t get that opportunity, please email Tonya (Tonya@sslc.org). The money can be collected once things return to normal.
8. We will continue sending out emails keeping everyone updated but you can also check out our website and our Facebook page for updates.